American Shetland Sheepdog Association
1998 National Specialty Dog Show
Best of Breed(Ch) Dundee Nightline Moved up from the open black dog class. He is bred and owned by Lindee L. and Robert J. Krivannek, and was whelped April 6, 1996. Not bad going for a 2-year old!
AM/CAN CH DUNDEE FAMOUS AMOS CH DUNDEE AMOS MOSES CH FIEGO STAR OF AFRICA CH DUNDEE HULLSTON JAMBALAYA AM/CAN CH BARWOODS IMPACT ROM AM/CAN CH HULLSTON'S ALL THE RAGE CH MERLYN'S HOT OFF THE PRESS Dundee Nightline A/C Ch Dundee Famous Amos Ch Dundee Amos Moses Ch Fiego Star of Africa Lakewood Dundee Outrageous Ch Macdega Navarone Lakewood's N'Belmar Navarre Kare's After Midnight
ASSA 1998 Schedule