American Shetland Sheepdog Association
1998 National Specialty Dog ShowSunday Results, Standard Agility Excellent Incomplete placings received Sunday afternoon, April 12, 1998.
- 9:00 am Excellent (38 dogs)
- 12"
- 1211 Twister (Antigo's Twist of Fate UD AX, o/h Pam Bates)
- 1208 Bikky (Cyns Foxy Biskit Lady AX, o/h Cynthia Roberts)
- 20" (none qualified)
- 16"
- 1626 Patty (Pepperment Patty of Daval MX, o. Ella and Robert Hoselton, h Ella Hoselton)
- 1630 Heather (Marshland Fantom of the Opra AX, o/h Katherine Leggett)
- 1617 Nate (Four Winds Face the Nation CDX OA CGC o/h Joyce Hansen)
- 1620 Sky (Von Ri Steal the Sky UD OA, o/h T. Yvonne Taylor)
Sunday Agility Schedule ASSA 1998 Schedule