Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM
Producing Record
History of Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM
Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM was a blue merle, white and tan dog, bred by J. and P. Haderlie. "Chad" lived from Dec 21, 1979 to September 17, 1988. He was by Am/Can Ch Banchory Deep Purple ROM ex SumerSong Kachina, and had 18 Champions to his credit. He was Line CHE Part IIc and Family 2 Part V.
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Photograph of Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM

(photo copyright by Jan Haderlie)
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Ch Tentagel David Copperfield
Ch Sundowner Mr Bojangles CD ROM
Ch Tentagel the Genie
Am/Can Ch Banchory Deep Purple ROM
Ch Banchory Thunder Blue ROM
Horizon White Ice (homozygous merle)
Banchory Flash of Blue
Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM
SumerSong Dance in the Sun
Ch SumerSong Hurry Sundown
Ch Shawn Dar's Forgot to Tri (blk/wht)
SumerSong Kachina
Ch Shawn Dar-SumerSong Bi Night (blk/wht)
SumerSong Glory Bi Night (blk/wht)
SumerSong Glory o'Glencanty
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Producing Record of Ch SumerSong Winter Shadows ROM
1. Ch Act I Miss Jones To You (B) (ex Ch Banchory April in Paris)
2. Ch Bamhollow Indigo Skies (D) (ex Bamhollow Shanghai Breezes 11-84)
3. Ch Brown Acres Storm Cloud (D) (ex Brownacre First Tri 12-81)
4. Ch Kerryon's Revelation (B) (ex Ch Banchory Blue Mist of Pocono 3-78)
5. Ch Serenity's King Coal (D) (ex Ms Akirene Serenity Fair 6-81)
6. Ch Serenity's Mystic Shadow (B) (ex Ms Akirene Serenity Fair 6-81)
7. Ch Sholyns Blue Chip Stock (D) (ex Sholyn's Bi-Jou of Divine 1-82)
8. Ch Sierra Justin Credible (D) (ex Dan Dee Nite N' Gale 11-80)
9. Ch Sierra Secret Rumors (D) (ex Sierra Rhapsody in Black 9-82)
10. Ch SumerSong April Showers (B) (ex SumerSong Bossy Boots 11-80)
11. Ch SumerSong Bi Twilight Time (B) (ex SumerSong Night Rhythm 7-83)
12. Ch SumerSong Blue Chip Stock (D) (ex SumerSong Amazing Grace 5-82)
13. Ch SumerSong Florentine Lace (B) (ex SumerSong Mandolyn Wind 12-85)
14. Ch SumerSong Master Key (D) (ex SumerSong Julie Anne 12-85)
15. Ch SumerSong Shadow Chaser (D) (ex SumerSong Amazing Grace 5-82)
16. Ch SumerSong Stolen Moments (B) (ex SumerSong Julie Anne 12-85)
17. Ch SumerSong Winter Wish (B) (ex SumerSong Amazing Grace 5-82)
18. Ch Verlyns You Blu My Mind (D) (ex Ch Verlyns Character 1-81)
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