Ch B'Field Cryst'l Blu Persuasion ROM (Ch Macdega The Piano Man ROM x Rosmoor Lark's Reflection). 6 Champions. Blue Merle/white, 9/27/82. Inbreeding coefficient 26%.
Ch B'Field's True Colors CD HC ROM (Ch Banchory Peerless ROM x B'Field What About Me). 5 Champions. Bi-blue, 5/2/87. Inbreeding coefficient 32%.
Babinette Mavourneen ROM (Ch Vikingsholm Vilhelm x E-Danha Cara Mia). 5 Champions. Sable/white, 1/9/70. Inbreeding coefficient 35%.
Banchory I'll Stand Bi ROM (Ch Banchory Back Stop ROM x Banchory Three Oaks Theme). 5 Champions. Black/white, 2/22/78. Inbreeding coefficient 30%.
Banchory Mist O' Brigadoon CD ROM (Ch Hallmark's The Black Watch x Ch Lodgewood Tempo Primo). 6 Champions. Blue Merle/tan/white, 5/7/67. Inbreeding coefficient 31%.
Ch Barwood Scotchguard Sonata ROM (Ch Sea Isle Glengarry x Ch Gillian Fair of Sea Isle). 6 Champions including 2 ROM's. Sable/white, 5/11/68. Inbreeding coefficient 30%.
Ch Barwoods Rhapsody ROM (Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM x Ch Barwood Scotchguard Sonata ROM). 6 Champions including 1 ROM. Sable/white, 4/20/72. Inbreeding coefficient 36%.
Ch Barwoods Karmun Jubilee ROM (Ch Barwoods Legal Tender ROM x Barwoods Star Search) 5 Champions. Sable/white, 5/15/88. Inbreeding coefficient 43%.
Benayr Make My Day ROM (Benayr Maker's Mark x Benayr Ba-Barbra Ann). 7 Champions. Sable/white, 5/2/84. Inbreeding coefficient 39%.
Ch Brandywines Ryans Hope ROM (Ch Sunnybrook's Heritage Spirit ROM x Brandywine's Amore). Sable/White, 3/15/85. 5 Champions. Inbreeding coefficient 42%.
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