Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM 2CC
Index History
Producing Record
History of Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM was a tricolor dog bred by Jody Chenoweth and owned for much of his career by Steve Barger (Macdega, then Mainstay) . "Thunder" was by Chenterra Beauregard ex Chenterra Commotion, whelped July 26, 1973. His show record was outstanding, with 220 Best of Breed wins, 29 all-breed Best in Shows, 145 Group placings, and 21 Specialty Best of Breeds, the latter including ASSA National wins in 1978 and 1979. He sired 24 Champions, including 1 Register of Merit sire. He is Line CHE Part IId, heading the major surviving branch today, and Family 2 Part V
Photograph of Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM
Thunderation as cover dog on the Sheltie Pacesetter, January 1979
Pedigree Ch Diamond's Redbud Ch Tentagel Mr President CDX Ch Sharlin''s Penny Brite Chenterra Beauregard CD Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM Tentagel The Cheer Leader Tambrae Cinnamon Toast Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM Lanlee's Chenterra Citation Aron-Kae Song of Spring Chenterra Commotion Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM Tentagel The Cheer Leader Tambrae Cinnamon Toast
Producing Record of Ch Chenterra Thunderation ROM 1. Ch Macdega Mainstay ROM (D) [11 Chs] (ex Macdega Leave It To Beaver)
2. Ch Barwoods Symphony (B) (ex Ch Barwoods Rhapsody ROM)
3. Ch Bellbrook's New Venture (D) (ex Barwoods Whistle Bait 9-76)
4. Ch Canden's Candy Land (B) (ex Ch Macdega Make Me Smile 6-77)
5. Ch Canden's Heatherledge Althea (B) (ex Ch Macdega Make Me Smile 6-77)
6. Ch Canden Fantasia (B) (ex Macdega Fantasy World 8-77)
7. Ch Canden Macdega Mainline (D) (ex Macdega Leave It To Beaver)
8. Ch Chenterra Standing Ovation (D) (ex Chenterra Flirtation 3-76)
9. Ch Gay Acres Hullabaloo (D) (ex Marwal Belle of the Ball 12-77)
10. Ch Harvest Hill's Final Word (D) (ex Harvest Hill's Soft Spoken Blue 3-80)
11. Ch Macdega Chasing Rainbows (B) (ex Macdega Blue Portrait 5-77)
12. Ch Macdega Cover Story (D) (ex Doxiewynd Shawnee of Nervina 2-78)
13. Ch Macdega Woodbridge Aces High (D) (ex Berridale Alnphyll Brigette 7 77)
14. Ch Mainstay Night Fever (D) (ex Ch Marwal Bluesette 8-78)
15. Ch Mainstay Once Upon A Time (D) (ex Harvest Hill's Soft Spoken Blue 3 80)
16. Ch Marjo's Sunridge Lark (B) (ex Chenterra Flirtation 3-76)
17. Ch Marwal Bluesette (B) [3] (ex Rallyround Lady Ice 12-76)
18. Ch Rickarbob Domination (D) (ex Rickgarbob Katie 2/78)
19. Ch Ridgeside Starship CD (D) (ex Pixie Dell Indigo Melody 9/74)
20. Ch Ridgeside Stormsong (D) (ex Pixie Dell Indigo Melody 9-74)
21. Ch Shadow Hill Macdega Daydream (B) (ex Ch Macdega Make Me Smile 6-77)
22. Ch Steep Mountain Melinda (B) (ex Banchory Montage Miracle 8-83)
23. Ch Thunder's Cuillin O'Hillswick CD (D) (ex Airdrie of Hillswick UD 9-76)
24. Ch Woodbridge Miss Victoria (B) (ex Macdega Rainbow's End 6-75)
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