A/C Ch Cee Dee's Squire CD CC
Sable dog, birthdate April 8, 1965, breeder Mr. and Mrs.
E. Main
Line CHE Part IIa;
Family 8, call name "Butch"
Butch earned 117 Best of Breeds between 1965 and 1969, including 5
specialty wins.
Ch Teaberry Lane's Little Pecos
Ch Lindhurst Comanchero
Ch Lindhurst Sarabande
Glenelm's Comanche Brave
Ch Lindhurst Trademark
Glenelm's Honey Chile
Hilmar's Bubblin' Over
A/C Ch Cee Dee's Squire CD CC
Ch Noralee Harvester of Waljon
Ch Lindhurst Trademark
Ch Linhurst Sarabande
Glenelm's Wistful Dottie
Ch Sheltieland Kiltie o'Sea Isle
Maldoylane's Sprite of Eltham
Eltham's Dark Star
Century Club index
