Eng/Am/Can Ch Crag of Exford was reportedly the only dog ever to beat Eng Ch Helensdale Ace. He was a tricolor dog, bred by Mrs. F.P.B. Sangster (Exford) and whelped May 26, 1950 in England. He was registered in the United States in the October 1951 AKC Stud Book, so his English career was for obvious reasons brief - the KC Stud Book AJ lists him as placing at 4 shows in 1951, he won the CC in three of those, going over Eng Ch Helensdale Ace, already a Champion, in the first two. I would like corroborative information, but my understanding is that he was sent to the United States to a relative of Mrs. Sangster, Miss S. O. Sim. He probably had far less influence in the United States, where type was already diverging from the British ideal, than he would have had if he had remained with his breeder, but he does carry down to Ch Kismet's Conquistador ROM. He is Line CHE and Family 8.
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Photograph of Eng/Am/Can Ch Crag of Exford
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Beck of Exford
Burn of Exford
Puff Puff of Exford
Eng Ch Exford Piskiegye Taw
Winkle of Wyndora
Charmer of Pipestyle
Charmadair of Pipestyle
Eng/Am/Can Ch Crag of Exford
White Ship of Houghton Hill
Riverhill Reef
Riverhill Rosalind
Houghton Hill Crystal
Flash Monarch
Sparkle of Pipestyle
Heatherbell of Pipestyle
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Producing Record of Eng/Am/Can Ch Crag of Exford
1. Eltham's Dark Star (tri b, ex Bogota Silver Pearl): six generations behind Ch Kismet's Conquistador ROM.
2. Chubb Taw (sb. d ex Bonnie Jean o'Pixie Dell) four generations behind Ch Tiny Honey of Walnut Hall, 1966 ASSA BOS
He does not seem to have sired any Champions in the United States, and it may be significant that his most influential puppy was out of a daughter of another Exford bitch, Wistful of Exford.
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