Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM
Producing Record
History of Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM
Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM was a sable dog, bred by R. and S. Norris and whelped June 20, 1980. He was by Ch Noradel My Buckaroo ex Noradel Heather's Half Angel,and sired 22 Champions. He is Line CHE Part IIe and Family 12 Part II.
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Photograph of Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM
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Ch Beltane the Mutineer
Ch Dorlane's Kings Ransome ROM
Ch Lobo Dell Tangerine o'Dorlane ROM
Ch Noradel My Buckaroo
Bilgowan Blithe Spirit
Shelan's Free Spirit
Bilgowan's Sprite o'Neptune
Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM
Ch September's Rainmaker ROM
Am/Can Ch Barwoods Weather Report ROM
Ch Barwoods Summer Storm
Noradel Heather's Half Angel
Ch Dorlane's Kings Ransome ROM
Noradel's Heather Angel
Shelan's Free Spirit
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Producing Record of Ch Noradel Cimarron ROM
1. Ch Balenbrae Heart Light (B) (ex Ch Brangay's Golden Fawn 12-79)
2. Ch Balenbrae Endless Love (B) (ex Ch Brangay's Golden Fawn 12-79)
3. Ch Balenbrae One From the Heart (B) (ex Ch Balenbrae Heart Light 11-83)
4. Ch Balenbrae Sun God (D) (ex Ch Brangay's Golden Fawn 12-79)
5. Ch Brangay Standing Room Only CDX (D) (ex Ch Brangay Sweet Charity 1 79)
6. Ch Brangay The Name of the Game (D) (ex Ch Brangay Sweet Charity 1-79)
7. Ch Brangay Time Traveler (D) (ex Ch Brangay Jessica 1-83)
8. Ch Bryna The Natural (D) (ex Ch Bryna Short N Sassy 6-84)
9. Ch Simmore Destiny O' Wynhaven (D) (ex Simmore Sensational Success ROM)
10. Ch Simmore Sensational Ransome (D) (ex Rojeans Believe in Me S'More 6-83)
11. Ch Simmore Status Seeker (D) (ex Rojeans Believe In Me S'More 6-83)
12. Ch Simmore That's Style (B) (ex Simmore Sensational Success ROM)
13. Ch Sunset Pop The Cork (B) (ex Ch Simmore Sweet Dreams O'Sunset CD)
14. Ch Westwind Masterpiece (D) (ex Sunblest Westwind Justine 8-90)
AM/CAN CH Westwind The Poet Laureate D951992 3-92
CH O'Jerr's Mr Chips Of Sharmae D669927 4-92
CH Simmore Just The Phax D619549 6-92
CH Springmist Troy O'Scotspride D589376 12-92
CH Simmore That's My Style D458831 2-93
CH Shu La O'Alley Blane Jessica DL335287/01 3-93
CH Westwind One Fine Day D965405 3-94
CH Simmore Country Charm DL373993/02 3-96
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