Ch Beltane the Mutineer
Producing Record
History of Ch Beltane the Mutineer
Ch Beltane the Mutineer was a sable dog, bred by Paul and Barbara Curry from Ch Beltane the Buccaneer ex Beltane Exemplar and whelped August 28, 1971. He sired 9 Champions, including one Register of Merit sire. He is in Line CHE Part IIe and Family 5 Part II.
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Photograph of Ch Beltane the Mutineer
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Fair Play of Sea Isle ROM
Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM
Am/Can/Ber Ch Sea Isle Rhapsody of Halstor
Ch Beltane the Buccaneer
Am/Can Ch Malpsh Great Scott ROM
Ch Rorralore Regina o'Pine Knoll
Ch Rorralore Curst Kate
Ch Beltane the Mutineer
Fair Play of Sea Isle ROM
Ch Halstors Peter Pumpkin ROM
Am/Can/Ger Ch Sea Isle Rhapsody of Halstor
Beltane Exemplar
Am/Can Ch Malpsh The Duke of Erle
Ch Beltane Druid April
Rorralore Pegeen o'Pine Knoll
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Producing Record of Ch Beltane the Mutineer
1. Ch Dorlane's Kings Ransome ROM (D) (ex Ch Lobo Dell Tangerine O'Dorlane ROM)
2. Ch Arland's Sun Maiden (B) (ex Ch Dorlane's Dream Dust 7-76)
3. Ch Brownacre Desert Dreamer (B) (ex Playmette California Poppy 6-78)
4. Ch Dorlane's Scalawag (D) (ex Ch Lobo Dell Tangerine O'Dorlane ROM)
5. Ch Lobo Dell Moon Sprite (B) (ex Lobo Dell Moonlit O'Halterburn 4-73)
6. Ch S.H.'s Sunshiny Day (D) (ex Ch Dorlane's Star Miss 6-73)
7. Ch Scotchguard Arland Charlee (B) (ex Ch Scotchguard Sea Mist 5-71)
8. Ch Show Off Boutonniere CD (D) (ex Arland's Ginger Bread Girl 10-74)
9. Ch Tagalong Normandy Pirate UD (D) (ex Scarlet O'Hara of Killybeg CD 2-78)
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