Ch Kismet's Dynasty ROM
Producing Record
History of Ch Kismet's Dynasty ROM
Ch Kismet's Dynasty ROM: Tricolor dog, bred by T. Mauldin and W. Munsey, whelped September 17, 1980. Sire: Ch Fairlight Dust in the Wind. Dam: Kismet's Bittersweet. Sire of 18 Champions. He is Line CHE Part IIb and Family 12 Part II.
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Photograph of Ch Kismet's Dynasty ROM

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Ch Philidove Heir Presumptive ROM
Am/Can Ch Banchory High Born ROM
Tiree Hall Solo's High-Lite
Ch Fairlight Dust in the Wind
Banchory Catch the Wind
Ch Banchory Butterscotch
Banchory Miss Foxy Mindy
Ch Kismet's Dynasty ROM
Ch Kismet's Conquistador ROM
Ch Kismet's Status Quo
Ch Fiesta's Fazzle Dazzle
Kismet's Bittersweet
Am/Can Ch Banchory High Born ROM
Ch Kismet's Storm Warning
Ch Macdega Over the Rainbow
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Producing Record of Ch Kismet's Dynasty RO
1. Ch Ashley Grove's Chief Justice CD (D) (ex Kismet's Victory Lady 4-84)
2. Ch Classique Image O Kismet (D) (ex Blue Ice N Ebony Bi Stonewall 1-87)
3. Ch Classique's Destiny In Blue (D) (ex Blue Ice N Ebony Bi Stonewall 1-87)
4. Ch Kismet's Angel in Disguise (B) (ex Ch Emeraude Classic Romance 12-88)
5. Ch Kismet's Antique Jabberwocky CD (D) (ex Kismet's Brocade 7-84)
6. Ch Kismet's High Dividend (D) (ex Ch Kismet's Crown Jewel 1-84)
7. Ch Kismet's High Priority (D) (ex Ch Kismet's Crown Jewel 1-84)
8. Ch Kismet's Impulse (B) (ex Ch Kismet's Crown Jewel 1-84)
9. Ch Kismet's Karen (B) (ex Ch Calico Lace of Pocono 11-83)
10. Ch Kismet's Make Me Smile (B) (ex Ch Emeraude Classic Romance)
11. Ch Kismet's Private Collection (D) (ex Harvest Hill's Sugar N' Ice 10-83)
12. Ch Kismet's Stock Exchange (D) (ex Ch Calico Lace of Pocono 11-83)
13. Ch Legacy Daddy's Girl CD (B) (ex Ch Confederate Blue Bayou 8-82)
14. Ch Moiral Heiress of Brackley (B) (ex Brackley Full of Grace 9-84)
15. Ch New Covenant of Confederate (D) (ex Confederate Run For The Roses 1 84)
16. Ch Stonehill Double Trouble (B) (ex Stonehill's Crimson Cliche' 8-83)
CH Tambay Rainbow Warrior D796970 12-92
CH Kismet's Illusion D867494 3-94
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