Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM
Producing Record
History of Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM
Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM was a blue merle dog bred by Elizebeth Whelen and whelped May 6 1957. He was by Ch Shelt-E-Ain Reflection o'Knight ROM ex Ch Larkspur's Replica of Pocono ROM. He sired 11 Champions plus 1 non-Champion ROM. Probably his most important Champion was Ch Heir Apparent of Karelane, sire of 4 Champions including Ch Philidove Heir Presumptive ROM. He is line CHE Part IIb and Family 12 Part II.
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Photograph of Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM
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Shelt-E-Ain Little Sir Echo
Ch Shelt-E-Ain Black Knight
Shelt-E-Ain Pirouette
Ch Shelt-E-Ain Reflection o'Knight ROM
Ch Genairn Devil May Care
Shelt-E-Ain Lucky Penny
Shelt-E-Ain Pirouette
Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM
Ch Bil-Bo-Dot Blue Flag of Pocono ROM
Ch Larkspur's Finalist of Pocono
Ch Larkspur of Pocono CDX ROM
Ch Larkspur's Replica of Pocono ROM
Ch Tailor Made of Pocono
Abendruhe Carolynann's Pixie
Abendruhe Twinkle Toes
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Producing Record of Ch Blue Heritage of Pocono ROM
1. Ch Beau Blue of Pocono (D) (ex Tiny Leatha of Walnut Hall)
2. Ch Blue Classic of Pocono (D) (Black Image of Pocono 10-62)
3. Ch Blue Norther of Pocono (D) (ex Tiny Bly of Walnut Hall 4-61)
4. Ch Goodhill Blue Mist (B) (ex Ch Goodhil Black Mist 7-62)
5. Ch Heir Apparent of Karelane (D) (ex Karelane Fair Lady of Pocono)
6. Ch Northwood Heiress O' Karelane (B) (ex Karelane Fair Lady of Pocono)
7. Ch Northwood Regent of Karelane (D) (ex Karelane Fair Lady of Pocono)
8. Ch Park-Crest Royal Blue Rocket (D) (ex Park-Crest Blue Mission Belle)
9. Ch Society Belle of Pocono (B) (ex Tiny Belle of Rosemont 8-59)
10. Ch Tiny Toby of Walnut Hall (D) [6] (ex Tiny Leatha of Walnut Hall)
11. Faharaby Blue Babe of Pocono ROM (B) (ex Tiny Leatha of Walnut Hall)
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