Welldalecote Gain was a sable dog, bred by J. Fell and Whelped May 23, 1948 in England. He was imported by Ray-Eden Kennels and registered in the May 1950 AKC Stud Book. He is Line BB. His family was undefined for a long time, tracing as it does to an unregistered bitch (as do all families) Brenda of Thule, whelped around 1940.Brenda of Thule first came into the English Geneology charts in 1988, when her tail female descendant Prodigal Son of Kyleburn won a CC. As of this point, neither Mrs. Marriage (who is now doing the English Geneology charts) nor I have been able to track down anything solid on her ancestry. Since the old Family 25 was merged in 1985 with Family 21, a new Family 25 was formed for Brenda of Thule and her tail female descendants until and unless her pedigree surfaces. I believe this represents the first new family since Miss Osborne first developed the charts, though there are some (notably in Family 3) that should be split off as new families. (This is handled in this file by separating family 3 into 3 (Chestnut Lassie), 3B (Isleburg Pansy) and 3C (the Collie, Chestnut Sweet Lady).
There is a possibility that Brenda of Thule is the same as Brenda (unr) owned by Mr. Jamieson, (the breeder of Welldalecote Betty) whose pedigree is given in three places as E Ch Wrennie of Wyndora x Wynette of Wyndora and in a fourth as E Ch Wrennie of Wyndora x Wynne of Wyndora. Wynette of Wyndora cannot be found, but Wynne of Wyndora was a registered bitch in Family 24, by E Ch Wrennie of Wyndora x Wishes of Wyndora.
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Pedigree Fydell Startler Eng Ch Fydell Roundup Wendy of Aberlour Fydell Nigel Eng Ch Nicky of Aberlour Fydell Idol Helensdale Aviatrix Wellcalecote Gain Andy of Aberlour Caberfeidh Danny Boy (unregistered) Caberfeidh Surprise Packet Welldalecote Betty Scattercash of Crawleyridge Betta of Thule (unregistered) Brenda of Thule (unregisteredReturn to Index
Producing Record of Welldalecote Gain
1. Ray-Eden's Wee Bonny (sbl b ex Annie Laurie of Cross Acres ROM)
This bitch is 10 generations behind Marisu's Jewel of Arrowhead ROM
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