Helensdale Lassie was a tricolor bitch, bred by Mrs. M. Goddard in England and whelped October 14, 1925. She was imported by Catherine E. Coleman (Sheltieland) already bred to the Collie, Mountlethen Blue Prince, after producing at least one litter in England. Her US registration appears in the June 1929 Stud Book. She was Line CHE Part IV and Family 5.
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Irvine Ronnie
Chestnut Rainbow
Chestnut Lassie
Chestnut Bud
Unknown Collie
Chestnut Sweet Lady (Collie)
Unknown Collie
Helensdale Lassie
Greyhope Titbit
Glendale (unregistered)
Helensdale Nell (Collie)
Aberlady Wendy
Lily (Family 5 foundation bitch)
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Producing Record of Helensdale Lassie
1. Ch Sheltieland Thistle (bm b) in utero import by Montlethen Blue Prince (Collie)
2. Lady Patricia of Add-A-Bit (tri b) by Ch Farburn Captain
3. Lass of Lilac Cove (tri b) by Ch Farburn Captain
All of the above appear behind modern ROM pedigrees.
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