Ch Creole Babe o'Page's Hill
Photograph - sorry, no photo yet.
Producing Record
History of Ch Creole Babe o'Page's Hill
Like her half sister Ch Songstress o'Page's Hill ROM, Creole Babe was bred by Page's Hill (Musicmaker o'Page's Hill x Cherokee Rose o'Page's Hill) and sold to another kennel, where she produced all her Champions to Ch Musket o'Page's Hill ROM. She was a tricolor, whelped June 2, 1946, and she took Best of Breed at the ASSA National Specialty in 1948. She was the dam of 4 Champions, including one ROM, for Va-Gore Kennels. All four appear behind later ROM Shelties. Creole Babe is Line CHE Part IIa and Family 2 Part III.
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Photograph of Ch Creole Babe o'Page's Hill
Reserved for photograph of Ch Creole Babe o'Pages Hill
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Ch Mowgli ROM
Ch Ronalee Norseman
Lady Diana of Rowcliffe ROM
Musicmaster o'Page's Hill
Ch Kim o'Page's Hill
Ch Joyful o'Page's Hill
Ch Primrose o'Page's Hill
Ch Creole Babe o'Page's Hill
Helensdale Emerald
Eng/Am Ch Rob Roy of Page's Hill (imported by Page's Hill)
Helensdale Nugget
Cherokee Rose o'Page's Hill
Ch Wee Laird o'Downfield
Anahassitt April Lady ROM
Ch Ashbank Fairy
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Producing Record of Ch Creole Babe o'Page's Hill
1. Ch Va-Gore's Bright Promise ROM (B) (by Ch Musket O'Page's Hill ROM)
2. Ch Va-Gore's Brigadier (D) (by Ch Musket O'Page's Hill ROM)
3. Ch Va-Gore's Cheer Leader (B) (by Ch Musket O'Page's Hill ROM)
4. Ch Va-Gore's Classy Miss (B) (by Ch Musket O'Page's Hill ROM)
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