Ch Gigolo of Anahassitt was a tricolor dog bred by Mrs. William F. Dreer, by Ch Dancing Master of Anahassitt out of Anahassitt Atalanta ROM. He was whelped November 3, 1932. He is Line CHE Part III and Family 2 Part IV. He won the
ASSA National Specialty in 1934. He has little if any influence on modern pedigrees.
Nut of Houghton Hill
Eng Ch Uam Var of Houghton Hill
Lace Cap of Houghton Hill
Ch Dancing Master of Anahassitt
Eng Ch Blaeberry of Clerwood
Ballet Girl of Houghton Hill
Tango of Houghton Hill
Ch Gigolo of Anahassitt
Eng Ch Blaeberry of Clerwood
Ch Wee Laird o'Downfield
Downfield Ethne
Anahassitt Atalanta ROM
Eng Ch Blaeberry of Clerwood
Ashbank Fairy
Ashbank Jean

Mrs. Dreer with Ch Bodachan of Clerwood (lying down) and Ch Gigolo of Anahassitt (standing.)
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