ROM Sires, E-F

Ch Elf Dale Viking ROM (Ch Noralee Forecaster x Ch Elf Dale Heidi). 17 Champions Sable/white, 6/29/58. Inbreeding coefficient 22%.

Fair Play of Sea Isle ROM (Ch Malpsh The Duke of Erle x Ch Kawartha's Fair Game ROM). 12 Champions including 2 ROM's. Sable/white, 3/8/63. Inbreeding coefficient 25%.

Ch Farpointe's Winter Showcase ROM ( A/C Ch Barwoods Impact ROM/ROMC ex Walden's Winter Song). 10 Champions Sable/White, 3/1/88.

Ch Fourwinds Light the Way ROM (Ch Benayr Here Comes Trouble ROM x Ch Fourwinds Go For The Gold ROM). Sable/white, 3/16/86. 13 Champions including 1 ROM. Inbreeding coefficient 34%.

Ch Frigate's Emblem of Astolat ROM (Ch Frigate of Faunbrook x Astolat Snow Flurry). 13 Champions including 1 ROM. Sable/white, 7/6/47. Inbreeding coefficient 23%.

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