English Family 4
Family 4
Bess F4
a. Oor Jean
b. Rubislaw Keturah t
c. Rubislaw Lady Fayre t (thought in fact to be the Collie, Chestnut Sweet Lady, see 3C)
d. Eng Ch Tilford Tontine t
e. U.S. Ch Tilford Tulla s
[Line BB dog]
e. Tilford Tartan of Sheltieland s
[Line BB dog]
e. Tilford Tammas of Bushwave s
[Line CHE Part I dog]
e. Tilford Tessa of Sheltieland s
e. Eng Ch Tilford Tinette t
e. Titania of Exford t (Active English branch)
f. Wonder Child of Houghton Hill t
g. Wonder of Exford t
h. U.S. Ch Nicholas of Exford s
[Line CHE Part III dog]
f. Bunty of Exford s
g. Williamanmary s
h. Eng/Am Ch Catmore Chum t
[Line CHE Part I dog]
e. Eng Ch Mary of Camevock s
f. Extravagance of Exford s
g. Gaiety of Exford t
h. Eng Ch Bonfire of Exford t
i. U.S. Ch Rocket of Exford t
[Line CHE Part III dog]
Explain Lines and Families
